Thursday, April 16, 2009


The coolest thing happened in the office yesterday. A patient, who is not wealthy, but not destitute either, wanted to know if we had provisions for him to pay for someone else's care. Not someone he knew, just someone that needed care.

You see he values his Chiropractic care sooooo much, that he wants someone else to get what they need. Not what they want but what they need. When my staff told me this I was floored. I was touched, proud, elated; all at the same time.

Chiropractic is one of the most important things you could spend your money on. You get one life, one spine and one nervous system. If they don't work right, you don't work right. You malfunction, breakdown and eventually die.

We will spend $5000 on orthodontics but balk at paying out of pocket for Chiropractic care. Get that out of your mind.

You are important.

You are worth it.

You deserve it.

Get your nervous system checked this week, then write me and tell me how great it was.

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