Saturday, April 25, 2009

Teaching makes you better!

I am hanging out with some friends and students after teaching Knee Chest adjusting at the Gonstead Extravaganza at the Gonstead Clinic in Mt. Horeb Wisconsin. There is a certain high I get from helping other doctors and students become better Chiropractors.

Today there were some great questions and everyone really showed they learned a lot. Dr. Jeanne Taylor from Santa Cruz California taught the class with me in this joint venture between GMI and GCSS.

Besides the feeling I get from teaching I love how much better it makes me. With all these students scrutinizing my every move, I really have to know my stuff. The real payoff is on Monday morning when my patients look at me after I adjust them and say, "You taught a seminar this weekend didn't you?". When I ask why they always say, "because you are better."

So, that's why I volunteer my time to teach so often, I help the world, I feel great and I become a better Chiropractor.

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