Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Have you ever stopped to think about what being healthy really means? Most people think that feeling good is the same as being healthy, which is not always true. We have all stubbed our toes in the middle of the night and while this can be incredibly painful, even if you break your toe, it is not a serious injury. On the other hand we all know people who have cancer or diabetes, both of which are serious and life threatening diseases, but often not painful.

So why do we think that feeling good means we are healthy? Drugs. More specifically, drug companies. They spend billions of dollars advertising aging couples having a great time in flower fields with children who we must assume are their grandchildren, looking like they feel great and are healthy, all so they can convince us to "ask your doctor if gullibrex is right for you." Most of the time there is little information to let you know why you would even consider taking the drug, unless it magically transports you to that field. This type of advertising is becoming even more dangerous as "off label" drug use is becoming more common.

In case you don't know, off label drug use is when a drug is prescribed for something other than what the FDA has approved it for. This practice is becoming more commonplace and expect it to boom in this economy. Worse yet, the FDA doesn't keep track of any of this. If you want to read more about off label drug use try this link FDA Off Label Drug Use

Most importantly remember that drugs do not make you healthy. If they did the person that took the most drugs would be the healthiest. True health comes from a healthy lifestyle that includes proper exercise, rest, diet, spirituality and of coarse a subluxation free nervous system.

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